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Don Best is a Norway, Maine-based artist whose narrative sculpture

tells a story of lightheartedness, sadness, and joy, and asks us to consider our world through the eyes of wildlife and our dearest pet companions. 

Don is a member of the Maine Craft Association and his work has been featured in

Lake Living Magazine and Decor Maine Magazine.


Visits to Don's studio gallery in Norway are available by appointment.

Please email for more information.

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       Don Best is a fifth-generation Mainer and Maine College of Art alumni. In his wood sculpting career of more than twenty years, he's been a student of Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, shown his work in galleries along the Maine Coast and throughout Western Maine, and developed a style and process equal parts complex and subtle. Click here to learn more about Don's story

Find Don on Facebook at Don Best Wood Art, and on Instagram @donbest_woodart

© Don Best 2021

Design by Thea Hart


Norway, ME 04268

Studio gallery visits available by appointment


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